
Executive producer and partner at production company m ss ng p eces , Brian Latt, looks back on the year and recalls the work that made him sit up and take note.

Do you think that 2014 has been a particularly good year for global creative advertising?

Here’s an opportunity for me to reminisce about the glory days of advertising past while artfully trashing the latest “shiny” advertising trends. Isn’t that what we tend to do? It’s always best to put a little distance on the work to view things more objectively, but I’ll do my best to stir up the pot. 

Yes, 2014 was a pretty great year. Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here’s a few faves; Droga5’s Newcastle Brown Ale If We Made It campaign [below], LOTS of smart social video campaigns, Forsman & Bodenfors Volvo Trucks Epic Split and then there’s Oculus Rift (but you’ll have to read further down for that!).

And how has the US acquitted itself?

Hmm, was it ever on trial?

Technologically speaking, this year seemed to be the year of Oculus Rift; would you agree and will it be even more prominent in 2015 and beyond?

Sure, I’ll bite. Yes and yes. This is a big year for branded virtual reality experiences with Oculus Rift. We haven’t seen a lot, but we’ve certainly seen the potential. What used to be limited to gamers is heading towards becoming mainstream. The VR experience and storytelling opportunities are wonderfully unique, and we’ve only just started. 

Has creativity come to rely on technology too much or are they generally happy bedfellows?

Well, there’re good bedfellows and bad bedfellows. When it works, the synergy is great. It’s all about striking the right balance when the technology is in service of the creative idea. Great creative stories touch lives and emotionally connect with people. Great technology must support the creative idea.

When I think about some of my favourite tech based projects (e.g. Philips Carousel, Take This Lollipop [below], Nike Chalk Bot, HBO Imagine), creativity is at the heart of the tech-based experience. Too often we lose sight of this and get mired in the technology, creating an experience that looks spectacular but tastes like cardboard.

What work achievement are you personally most proud of from this year?

The Dos Equis VR Oculus Rift experience out of Havas [below] was a pretty exciting achievement. The directors, Felix & Paul and Patrick Sherman, were tasked to produce a branded experience set at The Most Interesting Man in the World’s Masquerade Party.   

It was the first branded cinema quality 3D VR experience with Oculus Rift and binaural sound … yeah, that’s a bit of mouthful. I felt like we were explorers entering unchartered territory, which is a wonderfully romantic way of saying I was truly inspired.

What will be your new year’s resolution?

Treat people well and endeavor to enjoy every day.

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