

How creatively successful do you think the last 12 months have been in terms of creative digital ideas?

It seems like agencies and brands are finally getting UX, which has definitely improved digital work. Traditional advertising is about telling people what to feel, digital is about making them feel it first-hand – user experience design is at the core of this. So on that front I think the last 12 months has been great.


What pieces of digital work have impressed you most and why?

Wieden+Kennedy and Honda have done fantastic stuff this year including The Other Side and Keep Up [below]. They focused on simple and effective use of tech, which has really helped convey the brand’s message and proposition.



What are your predictions for Cyber Lion success in Cannes?

I couldn’t possibly hazard a guess as to who will win. I can offer up a hope though: I hope whoever wins comes from an independent agency – and pushes not only what is creatively possible, but technically achievable, in a brutally simple way. There’s not enough elegance in digital advertising.


The Innovation Lions element of the festival has been introduced this year. How important have data and tech become to the industry and how have they impacted on digital creativity?

Data is the vehicle for understanding our audience and their desires. It’s also become incredibly powerful for iterating ideas. The successful start-ups have put a premium on this for years now. Adland’s willingness to do so is bringing our digital work forward by leaps and bounds.


What, for you, is the most exciting element of working in advertising at the moment?

The opportunity. We now have a greater understanding of our audience and more ways to communicate with it. We’ve moved from three key media channels to tens of them, each with greater customisation. This is providing lots more interesting ways to answer our clients’ problems.


What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned since Cannes 2014?

Don’t put the company card behind the bar on the Carlton Terrace. Especially if the managing partner isn’t there.


What has been the biggest industry talking point in the digital arena this last year?

We are seeing clients moving away from the agency of record. There is lots of specialisation happening, especially in the digital space. It’s particularly interesting for us at rehab, being a creative technology company, to see who will win.


And what do you think the biggest talking point of the next 12 months will be?

Keeping digital creative thinking in advertising, media and production as simple as possible, while always considering ROI.


Will you be attending Cannes 2015 and, if so, what are you most looking forward to?

Yes. I’m looking forward to the two-day Lions Innovation festival – I’m always keen to soak up some new ideas and hunt down interesting bits of inspiration. Also, the Google beach – they always outdo themselves.

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