
Director's reps get a lot of stick for their seemingly social and fun jobs. But Partizan's Dani Coles shows that the proof is in the pudding as she runs about town and pops into various agencies to discuss new business opportunities - fuelled by caffeine and a deserved glass of red.


08:00 Early bird catches the worm: The morning commute starts at Clapham Common on route to Oxford Circus!


08.30 Pitt stop: Quick window shop at Carnaby Street before getting into the office.



08.35 Morning montage: As I arrive at the office, I’m instantly reminded of how bad ass Partizan are.


08.45 Fit for a King: A healthy snack to fuel the engine for a day jam-packed with meetings.


09:00 And we're off: Coffee and a catch up with Partizan director, Jared Eberhardt, before he flies home. He’s got great cat stories.


10.25 Swept away: I’m in a rush and it’s sooooo windy. Typical grey London.


10.30 Easy on the eye: I made it, phew. Now modelling slightly wind-swept hair, I arrive for meeting number two at Ogilvy’s fancy new office.  


11.45 Up, up and away: A swift power walk to McCann to see one of my favourite producers for my third meeting of the day. 


12.45 Office bound: Looks who’s here! Partizan director Mary Clerté to tell us what she’s been up to in Paris.


13.20 Veg out: A hop, skip and jump across the road and into Mildreds for the best veggie food in all of Soho.


14.15 Mumma lives east: After stuffing my face, I jump on the underground and head east to Shoreditch for meeting number five at Mother.


15.45 And... debrief: The sun pops out just in time for me to get back to the office for the weekly heads of departments meeting.



17:00 Emails, emails, emails: a nice cup of tea helps me to power through the afternoon's inbox.


18.31 Outta here: I pop to Fernandez & Wells for a cheeky glass of the red stuff after a very productive day!

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