
With every website that you visit and online icon that you click, your digital footprint grows. And our trail reveals a lot more about us than we like to think.

In a newly-launched website from Sid Lee, which coincides with Ubisoft’s latest game, WATCH_DOGS 2, gamers can find out just how much their online data reveals about them.

Gamers can either sign up to the site through their Facebook accounts or input basic details like age, gender, height and weight.

The site will then predict each user’s behaviour – concering health, work and family habits compiled by experts at the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre.

But be warned – the information might be quite shocking, as you can find out your life expectancy or how likely you are to be killed in a car crash.

And of course, by having all this information available to you, it tells you what corporations, the government or even criminals can gain access to. Which brings us back to the game and its protagonist, Marcus Holloway, who is wrongly-accused of collecting data off innocent citizens. Intrigued? Then watch the trailer below.


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