
In a year where it all came crashing down in flames, we are still here, stronger than ever. 

It seems that everything that could have gone wrong with the world in 2016 did. 

Yet mankind marches on, oblivious to the destruction around it, and stubbornly continues to progress. 

Donald Trump gets elected president of the United States but we can now catch Pokémon with our mobile phones. 

David Bowie bows out but we can pay tribute with a Ziggy Stardust emoji. 

Great Britain votes to leave the EU but we can swap faces with a baby on Snapchat to cheer us up. 

The world hits record temperatures but we can Netflix and chill. 

Ryan Lochte is a total douche but we can Boomerang ourselves diving into a swimming pool. 

Prince is dead but we can broadcast our rendition of Purple Rain from the shower on Facebook Live. 

Our phones explode in our pockets but we can cuddle an animatronic baby seal named Paro for emotional support. 

Muhammad Ali is no longer with us but we can deal with the grief by talking to a chat bot. 

The world is more divided than ever but we can climb Everest on VR. 

We live in the era of post-truth but we can at least get our cars to drive us to the shop to buy the paper.  

It is not the end of the world. Just the beginning of a new one.

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