
Sedef Onar, chief talent officer at 72andSunny, led a panel on Monday at Advertising Week Europe entitled Create Diversity. Don't talk the talk, walk the walk. We liked it so much that we asked her to follow up with us on what the industry needs to do now to fully embrace diversity.

1. Broaden the conversation to look outside of the advertising industry for inspiration, learnings and actions. Sports, media, entertainment, and technology are all reaching for diversity and we can learn from each other.

2. Culture is moving and evolving in different areas and paces, especially depending on where you are in the world. To have impact, define the diversification your business needs in specific areas, so you can focus and come up with targeted approaches to get to action quickly. Be prepared to evolve it as the world around you is evolving.

3. We have a long way to go to truly diversify our industry, which means there is both a long-game and a short-game approach. We need structural changes that help us address this issue over the next decade but also need approaches that can work in less than a month. Tackle both.

4. Share what you are doing and what you are learning if you are in a position of leadership pushing the diversity agenda forward, with as wide an audience as you can. The more sharing, the less people need to re-invent the same stuff, and the faster we will all get to results. 

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