
Festival season is well and truly upon us and for many that means late nights, plenty of dancing and endless boozing.

But new research from Science Daily reveals a correlation between loud music and excessive drinking.

Which is why CP&B Copenhagen came up with an inventive initiative for Tuborg – encouraging festival goers to pace themselves at concerts.

It might seem an impossible feat – and strange for a beer brand to want to deter its customers from drinking – but Tuborg is committed to teaching them the importance of drinking responsibly.



In the campaign, beer-shaped earplugs were distributed at Denmark’s Roskilde Music Festival last month.

Not only did they protect the revelers’ ears from loud music, but they also helped to control how much they drank.

Music levels were increased substantially to test the earplugs resulting in the rate it took someone to down a glass of beer decreasing by more than three minutes.

So, now there’s no excuse to complain about feeling rough or having ringing ears after a festival.

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