
Unless you've been living under a WiFi-jamming satellite, you are no doubt aware that Katy Perry don't like each other, and are determined to write petty diss tracks about each other until the pressure of their burns made one of their heads spontaneously combust.

This week, the music videos for their most recent shots out of the pop trenches, Swish Swish (above) and Look What You Made Me Do (below) were released.



But which is better? There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!!

...And by fight, we mean we've politely asked some of our favourite production companies which of the two is their favourite video.


Karen Berkowitz, bidding producer at Smuggler

"Swish Swish. I'm tired of the Taylor Swift pity party. We get it, the VMA's were rough, and this video is a bit same ol. Swish Swish has the benefit of being a bit off kilter, and a cameo from Nicki Minaj.”





Richard Grewe, head of new business & music at Colonel Blimp

"Neither excite me in the way pop videos should but hats off to Taylor for making the most ambitious music video since Lemonade. The production value is sky high and the set ups grand. I just don’t think it’s cohesive in the way that it could be. That being said it’s a spectacle even if it’s not as great as pop videos of this size should be. Still, it’s definitely better than Perry’s, a video built for five year olds looking for something a little less highbrow than Spongebob Squarepants to watch. Probably the target audience, to be fair."   



Beccy McCray, executive producer, music and culture at Nexus Studios

"Team KP all the way on this one! 

TS doesn't do anything here for her growing reputation as an unofficial poster girl for white nationalists who believe she is a secret Trump supporter using her songs to brainwash America into believing a Conservative agenda...

Swift addresses everything here from her beefs with Katy Perry and the Kardashian-Wests, but Perry seems to be over all of that bitterness, bringing it home with a super fun, mixed-media, slam dunk of a pop promo."



Kitty Turley, executive producer at Strange Beast

"These vids are both BONKERS. I don’t understand the Taylor Swift one, it’s a matryoshka doll of meta that my post bank holiday brain is having trouble decoding. But I do like how she’s sampling that Fruitella ad. I kind of love the slapstick futurism of Katy Pezza’s; there’s a Blades of Glory tone here, and as that’s up there with 22 Jump Street as one of my favourite films of all time, Katy wins for me. "



Debbie Crosscup, executive producer at Passion

Its definitely TS for me. Its stylish and I don’t mind the song. Can't stand the Katy Perry song and the absurdity isn’t to my taste.”



Jacqui Wilkinson, head of sales & strategy/executive producer at Smuggler

“All I have to say is: thank god for Nicki Minaj.”





Adam Epstein, editor at PS260

"Call me an idealist, but I'm all for a world where incomprehensibly rich and famous pop stars can co-exist in a feud-free environment, at least when it comes to mega-budget music videos. Are we really that starved for true "beef" when we start to parse whose big-budget peyote dream threw more shade? Both videos are equally wonderful to me in the sense that they are insane things that exist, logic be damned. Kudos to everyone involved on every level of both productions. They're huge and fun and stupid in the best way. Ya pop music."



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