
Ever watched a music video and disagreed with what the main characters were wearing?

Well From Paris have created a solution to put your fashion woes to rest. No longer do you have to stare at the screen and hate the styles inflicted on you, now you can take control and click your way out of a fashion faux pas.

The You Are The Stylist project (interactive version available here) is a collaboration between Indie musician Broken Back and fashion online retailer, Vente-privee.



Set to the track, The Sooner The Better, directors Alexandre Saad and Geoffrey Zaoui have created a great and impressively linear narrative to showcase various styles offered up by the brand.

It’s a love story about an elderly woman finding a burst of wardrobe inspiration and not looking back, once it gives her the confidence she needs to take on the world. Embracing the spirit and experimentation of youth, it’s not long before she meets her match and the two go on a wild adventure together.

Seemingly-inspired by Bonnie and Clyde and other lovers on the run from reality, the promo-cum-spot is a fun and fabulous way to sell clothes.




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