
What's your self-isolation set-up at the moment?

My apartment is a warehouse style conversion which I specifically got a year ago for working at home on various different things. So part of my space is set up like an office, sometimes I paint and film in there as well.It has nice big windows and natural light.

I’m isolated but I don’t feel cramped. I guess I’m lucky. Damn I’d love some sort of beach or country house isolation set up though. 

It's lockdown; aside from your family, which four people, past or present, would you most like to be quarantined with?

Tilda Swinton so I could shoot films with just one actor playing all the roles, Francis Mallmann for good food, Paul McCarthy the artist for hands-on art fun (his video art is hilarious too), Grimes for music making fun and her hookup with Elon Musk for lithium batteries, in case things get really bad.

We need entertainment, what's your favourite short film?

To be honest, there’s not a lot of short films I love. But the one I’ve liked most recently was Jonathan Glazer’s The Fall

You've completed Netflix. And Amazon Prime. And Disney+. It's on the hard stuff; board games. What do you pick and why?

Chess, it’s the only board game that keeps me interested for more than 10 mins. Tilda and Paul would be great at chess I imagine too... 

On a serious note, how do you think this situation will impact you individually, and the industry as a whole? 

It’s tricky and scary times for sure. But personally, I’m trying to look for the positives of this situation we’re all in. Let’s face it, without work and without leisure activities or seeing anyone, there’s none of the usual distractions. So I'm trying to use my time to write and do creative stuff more than ever. 

Personally I’ve had jobs postponed, and I assume I won’t be filming for some time, which is frustrating as I like being on set and working

Personally I’ve had jobs postponed, and I assume I won’t be filming for some time, which is frustrating as I like being on set and working. Clients will need to sell to regain financial footing when things come back online, and traditionally, advertising is one of the industries to first feel the financial pains, but are often the quickest to recover. 

I also wonder if we will come out of this with some lessons; will we become more resourceful in our creations and perhaps appreciative of our jobs more? The downside is that yes, some clients and industry people may not survive financially and will be forced to start other life / work paths... which can be seen as positive or negative, on a personal level. It’s definitely an exercise in perspective.
