
Titled The Twenty-Four Creative Commandments, Golden Wolf’s AICP Sponsor Reel is an animated lark through design, type and cheek.

“We initially wanted to do a film that likened advertising to a cult, poking fun at the cultish behaviors we’ve all seen… or been a part of at one point or another,” explains Golden Wolf ECD, Ingi Erlingsson, "Another Idea we had was to base the whole thing on a “make the logo bigger” gag as the film is of course a vehicle for showing off a bunch of logos. In the end, we felt a merger of the two ideas would be perfect.”

AICP – BLACKLIST Golden Wolf - AICP “Sponsor Reel”

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Drawing inspiration from the medieval imagery and rich symbolism linked with the Illuminati and Freemasons, Golden Wolf crammed the film with visual puns alongside a series of one liners that will be familiar to anyone working in the creative industries. At once inspirational (“Thou shalt Push it Further”) and mischievous (“Thou Shalt Present Thy Client with Several Options”), when the lines are taken as a collection they are both a reflection and commentary on the industry. 

The final 24 “commandments” were carefully curated down from an original 200 - all lines that had been spoken to or by the artists at the studio. "Some of them, like 'thou shalt not go over budget,' were pretty easy to agree on," remembers Erlingsson, "'Thou shalt refer to last night's rave as a networking event' and 'thou shalt enjoy that shit sandwich' were great, but alas not destined for greatness.”

The film comes with a curated set of downloadable desktop backgrounds so anyone in the industry can wear their mantra on their digital sleeve. 

Erlingsson points to “Thou Shalt Not be Afraid to be Provocative” as the one Golden Wolf resonates with the most and defines the work they tend to gravitate to the most. “If no one hates it, no one loves it,” he quips. Words to live by indeed.
