

AKQA knows a thing or two about digital campaigns and with that in mind we asked their chief technology officer, Ben Jones, to delve into the multitide of entries for this year's festival and come up with his favourite interactive or online campaigns, with the proviso only two of those could be AKQA offerings. He duly obliged and you can read his thoughts below.

Nike+ Kinect Training

Nike Kinect Training was designed from the ground up to be the world best personal trainer in the comfort of you own home. All the exercises were informed by the technology capabilities and title designed around what AKQA could achieve with the opportunities the world of gaming and connectivity provides. From measurement of your progress through to the motivation through social integration and an eco-system of companion mobile apps. All integrated into the Nike Fuel systems. The biggest selling Kinect title over the Christmas period. With milllion of minutes of training being recorded.

World Wildlife Fund 

I love this app. Its objective was to raise awareness of endangered animals. In my opinion the key audience to inform is the future one; children. AKQA DC delivered and saw no barriers when it came to the experience. Design-wise it's stunning. Beautiful graphic design and photography, all specifically designed and shot for the app itself. The origami models are simply genius. A great way to connect learning, wildlife and a child's intrigue. But seeing no limits, I love the fact that each origami model was custom due to the patents on the models that exist today.

Experientially it drives you to explore through limitless (yet it some how also feels guided) user journeys. Interaction wise, it capitalises on capabilities of the hardware. Clever use of touch and swipes: Ever thought you were going to use your fingers to bite like a shark? Clever use of the camera: Ever thought you could see like a tiger at night?  You learn through fun which is proven to be the best way… 

It's starts conversations. It makes children wonder and to ask questions to Mummy or Daddy. Raising everyones awareness of the problems we faced today. 

Lego and Google

Technically very clever and beautifully done. So well done that it's hidden and that's always my way for applauding technology. Even when you look at the source code, care and fun exists there too. (See Dragon image attached!). Effectiveness it nails it. Lego got awareness and brand interaction. Google got chrome downloads and awareness of what you can do with the browser and the audience gets to play. And when you create something which lives, like the design your decide to create on your personal plot of land, your do it with care and passion and pride and it;s something you share.  Just adds to the continued progress that both Google and Lego. The perfect blend of creativity and innovation. Two things that they both share as global brands.

Isuzu Trail View

How else can you demonstrate the capability of an off road car when you can really only test drive it on the road? You could get a simulator. You could do in the field events. Both not globally scalable, neither would reach millions. You could write a documentary but then you don't get to explore way you want to. This web app enables you to do the things you would do if you where driving it yourself. As if you were in the car as you drop it of the edge of a small cliff. You can decide where to take it, you can look around as you do so. 

Great use of street view. 

RedBull Stratos

I hope this is entered as when it comes to telling your audience that your products enable the extreme. Nothing is more on brand than sending a man, a man called Felix, up into space to jump down to earth and reach speeds of 843.6 mph. Does Red Bull give you wings? It bloody well seems so. Red Bull's approach to CRM was fuelled by a simply clever content strategy. Constantly keeping an exceptionally varied audience (from Red Bull fans, extremists through to scientists) informed before the flight was cleverly done. From facts, updates and even pre-flightly documentaries. The flight itselfs was watched by millions, live. Just think about the technology to be able to stream from the edge of space. 

Topshop Catwalk

Since Justin [Cooke, chief marketing officer] took over at Topshop digital is having a huge impact. It's become meaningful and hard working delivering results and making connections. A great use of Google+ and Hangouts. Bringing the audience close to the models themselves through Hangouts and delivering results through integration of the basket. It's fuel for the fashionista and plays on the desire to be in the know, be first, be fashionable.

Nothing is more 'in' than live streaming, nothing more 'in' than being able to be first with the design of your own collection. He's started to define the future of the catwalk. Watch out for future partnerships, clever use of technology. All delivering results and global awareness for Topshop. I'm sure Google Glasses are going to make an appearance very soon.

Dove Forensic 

I loved this. No technology. Just simplicity. Right on brand for dove: giving women self confidence.  I love the simplicity of the picture. Just like judging a person's singing voice when you're blind to physicality, the use of challenging a persons opinion of themselves through a strangers eyes is clever. It makes a difference to peoples lives. Not just the artists subject but makes you consider that fact that others don't quiet see what you see. Initially you immediately think the reach is limited to the people involved but the story goes so much further. Proof that a picture says so much more than words. 


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