
What’s the most creative advertising idea you have seen recently?

Samsung's The Spider and the Window; who doesn’t love a rom-com?

Samsung – The Spider and The Window

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Which websites do you use regularly?

The BBC; it is the perfect slice of British home life and world view, which I miss, as I live in America and world news is a little harder to come by. It is also rounded as it includes BBC Radio 6, which is the best music radio station. Hands down.

What’s the most recent piece of tech you have bought?

Apple Airpods Pro; the noise cancelling still blows me away. I bought them as I lost my last pair.

What product could you not live without?

I have curly hair, so my hair product.

What's the best film you have seen over the last year?

Coda; a beautiful, heartfelt story.

What film do you think everyone should have seen?

Never Rarely Sometimes Always: It’s about a young girl who has to travel to NYC to get an abortion. Light-hearted it is not, but it is moving and thought provoking, and shows why we need to stand up and fight for our rights.

What is your preferred social media platform?

Instagram. It’s probably more of an obsession. A compulsion rather than a preference.

What is your favourite TV show?

The Bear; the casting and direction is fresh and energetic, the story is great, and I always want to eat what they are cooking.

What is your favourite podcast?

Mark Maron's The honesty, and his love of cats.

What show/exhibition has inspired you most recently?

Takashi Murakami at The Broad, down town LA.

If you could only listen to one musical artist from now on, who would it be?

Prince; he is a genius who could dance and play, and was sooooo far ahead of the curve. His music never fails to make me smile.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry what would it be?

Ageism: I feel it is the next movement that is coming our way.

Who or what has influenced your career?

Music videos; it was the best apprenticeship for producing. How to craft an idea, tell a story, figure out how to execute a technique, work with cool artists, choreography, styling and production design. It moulded my creative interests and created the closest friendships I have to date in the industry.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people will not know?

I was a magician’s assistant; rabbits out of hats, card tricks but, best of all, flaming swords being stuck through me while I lay in a chest.
