
Marcel – Find the Safest Route with Groupama and Marcel

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Using government data on car crashes, Marcel Agency and French insurance company Groupama created Le Trajet Le Plus Sur (The Safest Route), a navigation website where you can choose between the quickest route and the safest.

Say Marcel Agency wanted to take a drive from their Paris office on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées to the Palais at Cannes, either to pick up a Lion of for a jolly company road trip. Typing their arrival and departure points into, they get two options - a 9 hour 15 minute one, or an 8 hour 20 minute one that comes with a question: 'are you sure you want to take a route with 6 more accidents?'



This website is the main part of a wider campaign based on the dangerous natures of some of France's roads. Also part of the campaign is a poster/billboard campaign on some of the recommended  safe roads that The Safest Route might want you to take, with posters saying things like 'if we could insure a road, it would be this one', and 'the route preferred by those waiting for you'.



This is accompanied by in-store activations featuring The Safest Route program that have been just a small part of the millions of routes that people have taken from this unconventional road safety campaign.

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