
Apple – It Already Does That

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When reporting on the future, it’s generally assumed that you double-check with reality first. 

With a classic epic movie voice over, In a the future...a voice tells us that a machine will be able to track yourself. The voice is interrupted and told by a young lady still in bed that actually...her watch already does that. Well, sleep was easy - what about heart rate? Noise levels? EKG? It Already Does That too. The AI goes through its list of features, and everyone, from the young woman doing yoga to the astronaut, smugly say that their watch already does that. 

Produced in-house, the spot is edited by Shane Reid of Exile Edit, showing off some exceptionally tight work, creating a slowly shrinking world as the all-knowing Apple voice gets repeatedly shown up. The piece is clever, fun, and characters break the fourth wall as often as possible, correcting the narrator, making for an engaging and refreshing turn away from the norm.
