
Directing duo The Martians bring their natural talent for directing comedy and performance in this new campaign for cereal brand Jordans. 

Set in an extravagantly Punk factory with equally eccentric characters, the film, created by Havas and produced by Push Films, successfully positions Jordans as the rebels of the cereal world. 

The campaign includes ice guns freeze-drying strawberries, a fire breather popping oats and so much more - all contributing to the finished pack of Country Crisp. 

Jordans – Original Punk Cereal

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Martians had this to say about the shoot: 

"We've always been fascinated by how much Earthlings enjoy breakfast. But after seeing how much energy the Jordan's factory workers put into their cereal-making process, we finally got it. Each grain is instilled with so much energy that it must power humans throughout their day."" 

When we were first briefed, we actually had no idea what punks were. Here's the thing, we're quite new to Earth, and the punk era was long before our time. So we did what any responsible Martian would do: went back to our spaceship and googled "what is punk?"

Here's where it got interesting. All we found were thousands of black and white photos of humans in colourless clothes hanging around not very colourful industrial spaces. As logical aliens, we concluded: At the time only black and white pictures existed. So we thought, "what if we just added some colour to this whole punk thing?" And that's how our vibrant punk style was born."

We grew so attached to MooDonna, our punk cow, that we decided to adopt her. She now travels in our spaceship wherever we go."
