Percipient thought-pieces and opinions from some of
the world’s most respected industry leaders.
Tom Gent, Co-Founder and Head of Creative at sports content studio, Founder Creative, explores what happens when sports and brands collide and shares tips on making ads with athletes.
As the Super Bowl fades into a distant memory of alien antics, celebrity sea creatures and scenic equine adventures, Steve Howell, CCO at Dark Horses, examines what truly worked this year, and how the usual contenders stacked up against some promising newcomers.
Watching what you want, when you want, can be a great convenience, but is hyper-personalisation diluting the cultural impact of advertising? Cat Botibol, Business Development Director at Secret Cinema, thinks so, and believes creativity works best in crowds.
Since it began in 1966, the NFL’s annual league championship game has become so much bigger than just a big game, frequently commanding the largest audience among all American broadcasts during the year. Alexander Michaelsen, ECD of Jung von Matt SPORTS analyses how the showbiz around the Super Bowl is encouraging global sporting events to up their game.
In advertising, like in life, timing can be everything. While previous thinking told us pre-releasing a new Super Bowl campaign was a creative no-no, that's not necessarily the case anymore. Kerry O'Connor, Group Strategy Director at McKinney, looks at why.
What ads would make you sit up and take notice at the Super Bowl? Is the Big Game's demand for anthropomorphised animals and celebrity cameos really going to score big, asks John Carstens, Chief Creative Officer at Team DDB, or should brands – and their agencies – try to quiet the room through the power of contrast?
What if you were invited to a party but, on arrival, were ignored, then told not to eat the food, or dance to the music? Your seemingly friendly, initially welcoming host sounded like one thing, but turned out to be another. But, says Amy Kean, isn't that a bit like advertising? It might say it wants you to come, might even put together an initiative to encourage your attendance, but its inaction speaks louder than words.
From the table top, to the small screen and beyond, gaming has become the centre of popular culture, with huge numbers of dedicated fans. Steve Ford, SVP Advertising at ESL FACEIT Group, asks what brands can learn from the kings of the console.
If video killed the radio star, on who or what do we blame the fall of music videos? Ok, so promos aren't dead but, says Elliott Starr, Creative Director at Impero, they are much diminished, and the creative industry is the worse for it.