
Burberry – Winter 2025 Collection

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The mechanics behind the magic of animation have been dissected in spots before, but in his new spot for Burberry, Blinkink's Daniel Quirke stitches the whole thing together perfectly.

Created to announce Burberry’s Winter 2025 Collection and Runway Show at London Fashion Week, the film brings the brand's logo to life using cross-stitch, embroidery, and in-camera animation; depicting the iconic knight journeying across London, passing landmarks like Tower Bridge and the Tate Britain before arriving at the runway show. 

Made in collaboration with the London Embroidery Studio, with creative direction from David Lane (Lane & Associates), the piece wears its tactile nature on its sleeve (pardon the pun) - each of the frames given genuine depth and touchability due to the nature of the materials.

Burberry – Burberry BTS

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"Taking Burberry’s iconic logo and telling a London centric, Burberry story on a piece of real material, in Burberry blue, felt like a perfect opportunity to lean into the craft of animation," explains Quirke.

"Everyone at Burberry was super collaborative and I loved how much they wanted to lean into the cross stitch style. We were looking at Old English Tapestries and trying to balance keeping the design of the knight and London skyline recognisable, but still in keeping with the handcrafted style. 

"I love how the films combine the old with the new, and really carry Burberry’s London heritage and love of craft."
